- 1. If any details on your Booking Form, Order Confirmation Form or Final Invoice are incorrect then please inform us immediately. Bows Chair Covers will only accept changes to an order from the lead contact via email, fax, in person or post. Any bookings that are not carried out due to incorrect information on the above forms will require full payment. If at the time of set up we discover that the chairs are not the ones as confirmed by the lead contact or by a delegated member of staff at your venue then this may result in your ordered covers not fitting. In this instance, refunds are not possible and any Outstanding payments are still due. To avoid this situation, we ask that you keep us updated if your venue replaces their chairs.
- 2. Final numbers for hired items should be made clear to Bows Chair Covers 2 weeks before the event. We will allow for slight adjustments to your original estimate as we understand that it is difficult to predict exact guest numbers before this time, we are generally able to accommodate increases on original estimates. We cannot guarantee that sudden increases in numbers at the last minute can always be accommodated. There are no penalties for numbers going down except if your numbers fall below our minimum number. The final invoice is always calculated to the final number of covers required and to bookings where our minimum number policy has been applied the final invoice will include an additional charge. See item 10.
- 3. Please note that cancellation by the customer with less than 2 months till the booked date will require full payment. Cancellation outside of this time by customers does not require additional payment, but all deposits from the time of booking are unfortunately non-refundable.
- 4. A 25% deposit is required to secure all bookings. Our booking policy is on a first come first serve basis.
- 5. The final number of hired items fitted and installed at your venue is the number that we expect to collect after your event. On collection if any hired items are missing then we will inform your venue and the lead contact will be issued with an invoice to replace missing items at costs of £14 per chair cover, £3 per sash, £8 per table runner and overlay - charges are available upon request. The lead contact is responsible for the safe keeping of our hired items before, during and after use. Chair covers will collect all hired items within 48 hours after the event from the event location or from a location that has been confirmed and agreed by Bows Chair Covers. Any hired items that are lost or damaged whilst the customer has responsibility will require full replacement and the lead contact will be invoiced accordingly. Bows Chair Covers will make every effort to fit in with the setup and collection arrangements of venues and other suppliers such as marquee/chair providers, and aim to deliver, dress and collect all hired items at a time most convenient to other service providers.
- 6. All outstanding payments are due 4 weeks prior to your event and without this payment, Bows Chair Cover staff cannot send out items, or set out to dress an event. It is the lead contacts responsibility to ensure that all payments have been sent and received by Bows Chair Covers.
- 7. Standard laundering of hired items is included in all of our prices which include stains from food and drinks and light scuff marks from shoes. Bows Chair Covers consider these stains as part of an event. Bows Chair Covers will therefore not invoice additional charges to the lead contact after the event. However, if upon inspection after your event we find that irreversible or damage through mistreatment has been caused to our hired items for example rips, footprints, evidence of guests drawing on the linen, cigarette burns, candle wax and excessive food and drink stains etc then this will result in Bows Chair Covers issuing the lead contact an invoice to replace the damaged stock. See Item 5.
- 8. It is the lead contacts responsibility to ensure that the hired items are fully covered by either their own insurance or the venues insurance with regard to public liability risks and indemnify Bows Chair Covers in respect to any claims made by any person for the death, personal injury or venue damage caused by or in conjunction with the use of our hired items from Bows Chair Covers.
- 9. At all times during your event the hired items remain the property of Bows Chair Covers.
- 10. Minimum number policy – an additional charge of £30 will be added to all bookings that require less than 50 chair covers.
- 11. Payment of your deposit and signature on your booking form, is deemed as you having read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions of hire. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like clarification on any of the above items.